Limited-time sale – Build + host your website for less than $3/month with Hostinger (Use code UPFLIP for an additional 10% off + get extra months): Box Pretzels hasn’t even finished its first year, and they’ve already expanded with a second truck. We’ll learn how they launched this unique food truck concept and their advice for how to start a food truck business in this episode. Blake and Roman got the idea to start a food truck selling soft pretzels while waiting tables at a restaurant. The soft pretzels that the restaurant served were consistent crowd-pleasers—and there weren’t any food trucks selling them yet in the area. They seized on this unmet demand to start their food truck business, and their sales since opening prove it was a smart move. Neither Blake nor Roman had any experience running a food business before they started. From their pretzel recipe to their workflow on the truck, they figured out everything as they went along. In this interview, they’ll explain how they learned the necessary skills to become food industry entrepreneurs. We’ll also hear what mistakes they’ve made in the process and how they turned those into learning experiences to improve their product and operations. One big issue the Hot Box Pretzels crew faced starting out was financing. Like many new businesses, their lack of experience prevented them from getting a bank loan. They’ll explain how they secured the funds they needed to start their first truck, and how they managed their finances to expand the business within just a few months of making their first sale. We’ll also hear how they connected with customers to build their reputation and secure the events that have kept them busy since they opened earlier this year. If you want to see more behind-the-scenes insight from food truck owners, check out some of our past interviews:
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